Intuitive Psychology is the meeting point where spirituality and science intersect, unlocking the magic within.
Are you ready to tap into this powerful blend and become an accredited Intuitive Psychology Coach?
We train & certify our coaches to the highest level in the entire industry. And are proud to be accredited by the global professional body The Association for Coaching.
We train a limited number of Intuitive Psychology Coaches per year. Applications are welcome from new & existing coaches.

Welcome to The Intuitive Psychology®️ Association, home of the world’s first and only Intuitive Psychology Coach training to be accredited by The Association for Coaching.
Our revolutionary Advanced Diploma in Intuitive Psychology Coaching blends intuition and psychology into a single, powerful coaching framework. At the heart of our mission is the unwavering commitment to empower and equip ethical coaches with the skills, tools and mindset to lead with authenticity, build trust and positively transform the lives of those they serve.
In just six months, our advanced diploma will elevate your expertise, push you to the cutting edge of coaching, and give you the credibility and pride of being an Intuitive Psychology Coach.

This is for you if……
You feel a desire to help others experience transformative moments that create lasting change.
You know aren't the same as everyone else. You've got what it takes to succeed. But what's missing is a framework & certification to lift you to the next level.
You feel restricted & bored by your current coaching techniques.
You know you can go deeper with clients with clients. But you need a powerful coaching framework that can be used in one to one session, with corporates, at retreats and beyond.
You’re tired of the lack of standards and accountability in the coaching industry.
You are ready to join a community of authentic, ambitious, driven individuals who inspire you.
You'll never settle for being just ‘another coach’ . You're ready to stand out as a trusted authority & expert.
You want a unique approach and that gets results other coaches can't.
You want flexible training that suits your schedule.
We know life can be overwhelming, that’s why our diploma is designed to allow you to balance your training with existing obligations, such as work or family responsibilities.
Ready to hold a global accreditation & the highest level of certification in the entire industry?
Become an Intuitive Psychology Coach. Gain the skills and knowledge needed to make a real impact on your clients and build a successful coaching career.
Deepen your intuition and empower clients to trust their innate wisdom.
You know your clients have all the answers within. You want your clients to understand and empower themselves so that they can make radical and sustainable changes.
Do you want to?
Stand on stage, write that book, speak on podcasts and host retreats.
You want to embrace your full potential, stop over-thinking & over analysing so that you can boldly share your expertise and experience with the world.
Coach the whole person.
You recognise that a person isn’t just a sum of their parts but a complex, multidimensional being. You want a coaching framework that blends spirituality and science addresses all aspects of an individual’s life in their past, present and future.


1 Accredited Diploma & 8 Certifications

We train coaches in a proven framework that delivers results faster than other coaching modalities. Giving them the elite edge.
World Class Training for World Class Coaches.

At IPA we don’t use the term world-class lightly, we say it because we mean it (and can evidence it)
In just 6 months, you’ll obtain the highest level of certification in coaching, receiving an Accredited Advanced Diploma in Intuitive Psychology Coaching, (accredited by the International body The Association for Coaching)

We are internationally accredited through the Association for Coaching, which means you are one of few, not one of many

We’re one of only eleven training providers in the world to certify coaches to Accredited Advanced Diploma Level
You’ll train as an expert in the science and art of The Shadow Alchemy Coaching Method - our unique, innovative coaching framework comprises 34 intuitive–psychology-based techniques..
Stepping into your full potential with confidence and clarity.
A waitlist of clients, exciting speaking opportunities and a business that makes you feel alive.
Standing out as an authority & trusted expert.
More freedom, time, creativity and purpose.

Accelerate Your Growth
When you join IPA you'll accelerate your personal growth.
Overcome your personal blocks
Peer Coaching
Over six months you’ll be coached in a safe container by a peer so that you can deeply embody the work & step into your full potential.
Activation Activites
We purposefully place activation activities at specific points of your training from somatic exercises to energetic meditations.
In six months you’ll expand personally and professionally. You’ll feel more whole, authentic, empowered and energized by your purpose.
Training with us is just the beginning.
We offer exceptional post-certification support.
You want to be part of a global community of inspiring changemakers.
We offer a high level of Post Certification Support so that your momentum and impact continues to build after the certification ends.
Life-Time Access
As IPA Alumni you’ll receive lifetime access to our online training modules, that you can revisit at any time to top up or refresh your skills.
Development Hub
You’ll receive access to a private Facebook group so that you can engage with a global community of like-minded peers and build a network that lasts, even after the diploma ends.
Membership (MIPA)
Every graduate is eligible to join our Professional Membership. Inside the membership you’ll receive an exclusive IPA membership logo, inclusion on ouronline directory and monthly calls with Jill & Sarah.
Coach Directory
Our online IPC directory is a great way for clients to find you and your services. The directory is hosted on our official Intuitive Psychology Website and allows you to instantly gain new clients, increase your web presence and build your coaching practice.
IPA Facilitator
Every graduate will have the opportunity to train to become an Intuitive Psychology Facilitator, and run their own cohort from anywhere in the world.

Hear From Our IPA Students...

“If you are a coach that wants to be the best you can be, you absolutely need to do this diploma. I feel very confident now having gone through it. It is going to be transformative for yourself and your clients.”
Holly Matthews
Actress, Life Coach and Intuitive Psychology Coach

“This has been the biggest personal change in my life so far. I never thought I was going to say I was happy from the inside out ever again, yet here I am saying that’s exactly how I feel. I’m confident, I know where I’m going, I know what I want to provide, and I know that I have the best tools and techniques to allow me to do that.”
Ann Merrilees
Business Improvement Engineer & Intuitive Psychology Coach

“I’m so happy I did it, it’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life. The Diploma is delivered so well there is so much to it. It’s been so much more than I actually expected. I’ve learned so much.”
Anne Marie Mcelroy
Hair and Makeup Artist, Director of AMMazing Team & Intuitive Psychology Coach

“I haven't saw another programme that has the blend of both the science, intuition and spirituality, so it ticks all of the boxes, which gives me the confidence going into the Sporting industry where they look for science, research and data to back everything up.
It’s not only life changing for yourself but you’re being taught how to change other people’s lives. It’s been so much better than I even thought it could be.”
Jordan Fairclough
Premier League Fitness Coach & Intuitive Psychology Coach

“IPA is definitely something that strengthens you as a person and it takes your knowledge to another level. You embody the work that’s what sets it apart. This is certainly bringing the best out in me because I’m doing it and being coached through the process. The peer coaching community is just phenomenal.”
Leighanne Jordan
Career & Confidence Coach & Intuitive Psychology Coach

“It has been the best journey I have ever been on. I’m a whole different person. I can sit with people now and know that I can confidently take them on that journey of healing. IPA is the future in coaching. What I see for the future is, oh my god, reach for the stars.”
Claire Taylor
Energy Healer & Intuitive Psychology Coach

“I was a good coach but this has taken me to an exceptional coach.”
Actress, Hypnotherapist & Intuitive Psychology Coach
Gemma Merna

We’ve combined cutting-edge intuitive and psychology into one powerful framework so that you can create radical results with your clients.

Let us save you time & energy with our comprehensive Intuitive Psychology Coaching Toolkit to professionally onboard clients.
Editable coaching contract
Client onboarding checklist
Client information leaflet on Intuitive Psychology Coaching
Client follow-up document

Packed with exclusive training from leading experts on sales, pricing, marketing and so much more. This comprehensive module will give you everything you need whether you’re starting your business or scaling it.
Human Design Masterclass with expert LeeAnne McDonald
Social Media Masterclass with expert Jessica Saunders (who shares her secret to growing her Instagram to 200k)
Learn how to with sell on stories with incredible experts Anna and Tom Rogers
Branding Masterclass from an Award-Winning Brand Agency.

NOW £3,000 OFF
ONLY £6,995
Need more time to pay? 6 months payment plans available (+5% fee applies)


Better humans create better worlds.
Imagine a world where we all knew ourselves better.
We knew the natural power of our minds, understood the way they work, and how to redirect our thoughts towards positive, intuitive healing.
Where we improved our inner worlds, to improve our outer world.
And by thinking and acting more organically, we created ripple effects and collectively improved the way society tackles its problems.
That’s the magic of Intuitive Psychology Coaching.
By championing more holistic and open-minded methods, coaches can be proud of their profession, not self-conscious. And by cultivating self-leadership, tuning into what feels right, and drowning out the noise of expectation, we’ll build a future that we can flourish in.
That’s why we’ve created the world’s first, and only, fully accredited diploma to train Intuitive Psychology Coaches.
That’s the magic of Intuitive Psychology Coaching.
By championing more holistic and open-minded methods, coaches can be proud of their profession, not self-conscious. And by cultivating self-leadership, tuning into what feels right, and drowning out the noise of expectation, we’ll build a future that we can flourish in.
That’s why we’ve created the world’s first, and only, fully accredited diploma to train Intuitive Psychology Coaches.

We founded The Intuitive Psychology Association to bring our shared values to life, train a new generation of coaches, and restore pride and passion in the coaching industry.

The founding principle of intuitive psychology: being radically honest with yourself and others and adhering to the highest ethical standards in everything you do and say as a coach.

Examining your own self-judgement and self-worth in a productive and responsible way, and leaning into discomfort to find power and strength in openness.

Understanding your clients in their own context – as individuals of faith, culture, sexuality, gender, race, and class – to coach inclusively, sensitively, and comprehensively.

Connection & Community
Creating a safe space for clients, and coaches, to learn from circular conversations of inclusion and shared experience.

Being true to yourself and holding fast to your own values – whilst also being attuned to your clients’ needs, beliefs, and aspirations.

Purpose Driven Passion
Honing your beliefs, skills, and trained expertise into a movement that will change the world.
Together, we can make a difference in the world.
By graduating with us, you're not only investing in your education but also contributing to a greener planet with a tree planted in your name. Join us in our mission to create a better future for ourselves and the environment.

Meet your Trainers

2x Published Author • BSc (Hons) in Social Psychology • Pg Dip in Careers Guidance • Qualification in Career Development (QCD) • Institute of Leadership & Management (ILD) Level 5 • NLP Practitioner (ANLP) • Certificate in Business and Life Coaching (Association for Coaching) • Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
Sarah Gregg is a psychologist, coach, and author of Find Your Flow and Choose Happy – with 85,000 books sold internationally.
As one of the industry’s go-to experts in the psychology of Flow, Sarah’s pioneering work and unique take on the subject has been cited in the The British Journal of Mental Health Nursing and twice published by Rock Point.
An expert with a passion for turning complex theory into easy-to-use practices, Sarah has helped hundreds of people transform their lives through her coaching business The Power To Reinvent.
From a successful career delivering corporate training for IKEA, House of Fraser, and the European Commission – to travelling the world and teaching her clients how to use psychology to find and pursue their purpose, Sarah’s mission is to empower everybody to find and uphold authentic, aligned fulfilment.
Now she brings her scientific expertise, real life experiences, and passionate leadership to The Intuitive Psychology Association.
Creator & Host of Award Winning Podcast which reached UK Top 3 • Accredited Intuitive Healing Coach • Featured in Happiful Magazine & Thrive Global • Certified in Diverse Coaching Modalities • Wellness Healing Residential Retreat Leader • Mental Health & Wellness Guest Expert in UK Blog Awards
Jill Ritchie is an accredited life coach, energy healer, and host of the award-winning She Loves Herself podcast.
From leading wellness masterclasses for Virgin Money and Aviva, to celebrity coach. Jill has worked with Award Winning Actors and Singers as well as Olympic Athletes, teaching them how to access the power self awareness, authenticity & intuitive healing. Jill exudes passion, authenticity, vulnerability, and self-empowerment.
Having radically reinvented her own life, from outwardly successful career banker to authentically successful life coach, Jill has since helped more than 500 clients follow her lead of using spirituality to find their own meaning and alignment.
Embodying vulnerability, intimacy, self-love, self-trust, and the beauty of taking responsibility for your own life – Jill now brings her unrivalled experience and expertise to The Intuitive Psychology Association.